Conversation Fisheries, Inc.
Joel Sartore, of National Geographic Photo Ark, on Conservation Fisheries:
“Conservation Fisheries nurtures ‘the least among us,’ and by this, I mean freshwater stream fish. These are the silent inhabitants of our waterways that few others would ever notice, even though many were slipping towards extinction. CFI has noticed though, saving many from the abyss across decades. Nobody cares more.” - Joel Sartore, American photographer, speaker, author, teacher, and a long time contributor to National Geographic magazine; and head of The National Geographic Photo Ark project, a 25-year effort to document the approximately 12,000 species living in the world's zoos and wildlife sanctuaries.
Freshwater fish diversity in the Southeast United States, and specifically the southern Appalachia area, is unrivaled in the temperate world. Our streambeds harbor many species of freshwater fish, mussels, salamanders, crayfish, and aquatic insects, many of which aren’t found anywhere else. Many of the more than 400 species (that’s more than half of the species found in all of the United States and Canada!) are threatened or imperiled. Conservation Fisheries has been working to save the life of our rivers by restoring these populations through breeding and releasing fish species.
20% of the profits of all Rivers Flow products are donated directly to Conservation Fisheries to support the efforts of the dedicated biologists working to improve the health of America’s life-giving rivers.